OK fans, I know this has been a rough time for you being that I haven't posted any columns in a few weeks. But my schedule has just been too greuling with college work, and cheerleading, and all the hot chicks I have to get with here in sunny Miami. The super bowl is tomorrow and that should be a good time, except that I'm going to be a little tired while I watch it since I have a little cheerleading competition Sunday at Donald Trump's mansion where I'll get to meet him. Maybe I'll mention my fantasy basketball blog? Ok anyway, what I'm saying, is that I'm gettin back on the wagon, but I will have a new schedule. Monday will be "Waiver Wired" Wednesday will be "Stock Watch" and Friday will be "Position Battles". All of these columns will be posted by 4:00 PM on those days. If anyone actually has any questions for me, then Saturday I will write a column answering your email questions. And Sunday will be "Fantasy MD". As always, you can email me with any questions OR SUGGESTIONS at bigmel2k5@yahoo.com I'm back baby!!!! 

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